Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Thanksgiving Meal Idea for Babies and Tots

It's that time of year again and that time is coming on us super is Thanksgiving time! I want to start of by saying that I am not going to tell you to make a whole separate meal for your little ones or the other little ones that will be attending your Thanksgiving meal!

No, no - if you don't know me by now you will quickly learn that I am all about feeding the whole family the same meal. Not only does this approach/philosophy make your life easier (and it's more cost beneficial) - it is an important bonding opportunity. Sharing a meal together, sometimes referred to as "breaking bread" together, bonds us emotionally and socially.

The act of eating food is very physical and it involves all of the senses - sight, which is key to the experience (example - plate presentation), taste (the delicious flavors), touch (the textures of the foods), sounds (especially when you hear something sizzle), and smell (rich aromas).

Moving beyond the physicalitys of eating, there is an emotional aspect to eating as well. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it brings us together as a family, is a bonding experience and an event the whole family (including your baby) can share!

Above is a picture of an idea that you might want to try with your little one - it brings in the sense of sight along with the emotional/social benefits of eating from the same meal. Take from the meal already prepared (as long as it is healthfully prepared) and make small portions and serve them in cupcake tins. It will make them feel so special!

From left to right:

Example #1 - Mashed potatoes, a little stuffing, a little turkey and a small dollop of cranberry sauce

Example #2 - Mashed sweet potatoes, chopped up turkey, small drizzle of gravy and a small dollop of cranberry sauce

Example #3 - Mashed sweet potatoes, minced turkey - all mixed together (baby food)

Example #4 - Stuffing with sliced turkey and a drizzle of gravy

Again, these are just ideas that I have and you can create your own combinations based on what is being shared at your table. At the end of the day, what is important is that Thanksgiving is a day where everyone has fun, enjoys each others company, shares a great meal TOGETHER and maybe watches a little football (sorry I had to put that in)!


PS - Monday I will post a quick and easy side dish that you can feed your baby and I will give you ideas on how to increase the recipe so that the adults can eat some too. I promise the adults will LOVE it!

PPS - On Thanksgiving we are going to announce the gender of our twins to our families in a really cool and fun way (and of course it involves food!) We plan on video taping it and posting it the Friday after Thanksgiving. So after you get home from shopping on Black Friday (if that is your family tradition - not mine :)) pull up a chair and check out our video! We are so excited!

Take care and I will chat with you again on Monday!

With Gratitude,

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